ilbert's curve by iterations
qbasic file for Hilbert's curve
Finds equation of line fitting plotted points by solving simultaneous equatios by inversion
klein bottle eigenvectors e^ix=cosx+isinx
qbasic file for finding equation of line that fits randomly plotted points
Lorenz attractor
qbasic file for lorenz attractor
Rossler attractor
qbasic file for rossler attractor
times 3 ghz is how a computer thinks according to Simpson's rule
with weighted resistors
klein bottle infinity tigris euphrates infinity klein bottle times 3 ghz
The night they drove old Dixie down
qbasic mobius input 8287 look for sqrt -.573017
Animal Farm by George Orwell <
antitaylor 10 for 2xpi
antitaylor 10 for pi
antitaylor 10 c file
Andromeda music
Scene de Ballet (Cinderella Ballet)
Antitaylor 8 of 2xpi. Andromeda is twice size of Milky Way.
captions, eigenvectors, original number antitaylor 2 for days of month
opengl graphics mobius of the day
opengl graphics c file input number of twists draws mobius
opengl graphics c file input angle degrees draws perpendicular
opengl graphics
opengl graphics c file
antitaylr 8 for pi
antitaylor 8 c file
opengl graphics
opengl graphics c file
opengl graphics c file
qbasic file for calendar
captions, eigenvectors, antitaylor 2 for days of month
c file that calculates eigenvectors for 2x2 matrix. input by rows
qbasic file for calculating eigenvectors simpler than below you can do in your head
qbasic file that calculates eigenvectors for a 2x2 matrix. enter numbers by row
For qbasic calculus examples go to geocities.ws/s370488209
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